Thursday 24 April 2008

11.Pornography and arts

Pornography is a form of writing of visual art which is provided to sexually stimulate. In Greek, it means a ‘depiction of whores’. Is it a bad thing, or may be consider as a good one? I think that there should be a division on pornography, which is obscene and banned (e.g.for kids or with kids, or naked woman on the Internet) and on the one which may be called an art (Kama Sutra, photography acts). The problem is that each of us, has a different taste and may consider other things bad or an art. In the Christian church, one cannot wear a short skirt, the same situation is in the Islamic culture (I would say, even more strict).

'Andrea Dworkin has argued in her book Pornography: Men Possessing Women that pornographic texts reveals men's inherent belief in the right to sexual access to women's bodies. For Dworkin the definition of pornography is all sexual material that shows sexual degradation. Her argument involves the testimony of many women who have been coerced into participation in pornography. Dworkin and Catherin MacKinnon have worked and campaigned to gain stringent laws against all types of pornography in the US. In 1984 an ordinance was drafted by them to enable women to take civil action against anyone involved in the production, distribution or sale of pornography. Although the ordinance was vetoed by the mayor a revised version was passed by Indianopolis City Council which, two years later, was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court with the help of the Feminist Anti-Censorship Taskforce.' Bloomsbury Guide to Human Thought

Pornography is present in many films, almost each romantic comedy has one or more love scenes. It is rather accepted. People have sexuality, and one should not forget about that. In more 'free societies', people feel that it is an important part of their lives.
Also photography very often includes some pornographic element. Some of them are called the art, but some are not.

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