Saturday 26 April 2008

13. Flash mob and happening

Flash mob is a spontaneous, plotless theatrical event, in the contrary to happening which is very often done to show something. There are many announcements in the Internet, as it is the easiest way to let people know about that and to gather them.

Sometimes flash mobs are done just for fun, and to surprise people. E.g. the pillow fight in Toronto.
Sometimes, however, people try to change something and show that they do not like something.
These people are protesting against Putin, what is visible. Their masks look like Putin's face. They have t-shirts with slogans: "Vova (short for Vladimir) go home!", "Vova, your mission failed!" and "The submarine sank". They were arrested by the police.

What about freedom of speech?

The biggest flash mob ever.

The example of happening:

(Commissioned by Florida State University. Performed in Sarasota on February 3rd and 4th, 1965. Like the
preceding work, this was first discussed in conference and then performed only once, without rehearsal and without spectators. Appropriate sites were chosen by the participants shortly before performance. Actions in parentheses are alternatives given to participants: either or both may be enacted.)

1st morning: clothes dirtied by urination
1st evening: clothes washed
(in the sea)
(in the laundromat)

2nd morning: cars dirtied with jam
on a busy street
cars cleaned
(in a parking lot)
(in a car-wash)
2nd evening: bodies dirtied with jam
bodies buried in mounds
at the sea edge
bodies cleaned by the tide

Notes to SOAP
Each person privately soils some article of his own clothing. This is essential, for
it refers to one’s real experiences as an infant. In this act the person mingles his
own water with the water of the sea or laundromat and consequently makes the
cleansing of his clothing inescapably personal. Cars should be methodically and thoroughly
smeared with jam, within sight of passers-by. The washing should be
done as diligently. If a commercial carwash is used, one should have this done
as though nothing were out of the ordinary. Any questions asked should be
answered in as noncommittal a way as possible.
A vacant stretch of beach is best. Either couples or individuals may perform this.
There should be long distances between each individual or couple. In the case of
couples, one person covers the partner (who is preferably naked) with jam, digs
a hole for him (or her) with sand to the neck, and sits quietly watching until the
tide washes the partner clean. Then they depart.

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